I WANT ...

Music Beyond Borders

3 Legendary Artists. 3 Vibrant Languages. 1 Music Video.

FIF’s multilingual recording of the ubiquitous hit song “I Want You To Be My Baby” reaches across all ages to inspire hope, harmony and the love for all cultures.

Listen《I WANT...》

A Music Video with a Soul

Welcome to the worldwide release of the “I Want…” recording and music video. With this project, FIF’s endeavour is to urge people to share the joy of music by bringing together three revered artists from across the globe to pool in their talents and create a song that can be sung, enjoyed and loved in three different languages. This is where Lang Lang’s soulful talents blend with Renée Fleming’s enchanting voice and Eason Chan’s iconic skills, all strung together by Leon Ko’s masterful music arrangement to create a sense of hope and harmony. This special remake of the song aims to bridge the gap between the East and the West through the language of love, making us reaffirm our belief in the fact that in the end, music is all we need.


Click. Buy. Play. Love.

All proceeds and sales made from the recording will go towards FIF’s charitable initiatives.

Buy《I WANT...》
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    FIF x Eason Chan - HK! HK!

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    FIF x Lang Lang - HK! HK!

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    FIF x Renée Fleming: Renée Fleming Masterclass


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