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《櫻桃小丸子 — 八大恐龍物語》故事繪本文具套裝 "Chibi Maruko Chan - Dinosaurs - The Big Eight" Storybook with Stationery Set

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《櫻桃小丸子 — 八大恐龍物語》故事繪本文具套裝,記述了小丸子、花輪和一眾同學參觀恐龍展覽,認識了來自侏羅紀和白堊紀時期的八隻恐龍朋友。在大家的無窮想像下,各個展品都變成了活生生的恐龍!故事除了帶大家認識充滿謎團的史前生物外,亦展示着你可能未曾知曉的新發現。此故事繪本內容簡單易明而且生動有趣,特別適合小朋友閱讀,還有抱有童心的你!

This storybook illustrates Maruko chan, Hanawa kun, and a group of classmates visiting the dinosaur exhibition and meet eight dinosaur friends from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Through everyone's imagination, the dinosaurs come alive! In addition to highlighting these prehistoric creatures, the story also reveals new discoveries you may not have known about. This storybook is simple yet engaging, making it especially suitable for children and perhaps even for adults who are young at heart!

尺寸Size:40 cm x 22 cm

*文具套裝包括繪本、A4公文夾、貼紙、memopad及一套8款的Postcard Set。The set includes a storybook, an A4 folder, memo pad, and a set of 8 postcards.

*櫻桃小丸子官方授權產品。Official Chibi Maruko Chan licensed item.

*此合作企劃所得收益扣除成本後,將全數撥捐領賢慈善基金(FIF),以支持各種惠及社區、藝術及教育的慈善活動。All proceeds will go to First Initiative Foundation's (FIF) charitable initiatives that benefit the community, arts and education.

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